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This is a rating guideline to help you better gauge how to rate a book of nonfiction. We use a 10-point scale to help you be precise while avoiding fractions.



Generally, here is how we view the rating numbers, and the overall impression rating:


          1, 2

Totally unworthy of reading or rating fully.

          3, 4

It isn't good, but it may be fixable with extensive work in all or most areas.


It is okay, with some definite positives. Worthy of the effort to make it even better in places.

          6*, 7

It is good, worth reading, while having room for improvement to strive for excellence.

*As a baseline, we recommend authors only make books rated 6+ available for sale.

          8, 9

It is excellent, with no real weak areas. This is where I would rate most books I really love.


Wow! It is over the top perfect! Couldn't be better; a rare book.



Choose the rating that best correlates with your thoughts and feelings towards the book you just read.




1, 2:

There were so many typos and errors I couldn’t even read it

The flow of material was confusing

3, 4:

There were enough typos and errors to be annoying

The flow of material could be improved


There were some very obvious typos or errors

The flow of material was adequate

6, 7:

There were only a few mild typos or errors

The flow of material was easy to follow

8, 9:

There were little to no errors

The flow of material made it easy to follow


There were no errors

The flow of material was perfect 


Writing Style


1, 2:

Dry, boring, and reading was not enjoyable

There was so much jargon, I could barely get through the book.

3, 4:

Dull writing style and too many technical terms


Writing was average but there were some technical terms that made the material boring and/or too confusing

6, 7:

Writing was informative but still a little dry

Information was put in terms that were easy to understand and made reading interesting

8, 9:

Writing was very interesting and engaging


Very interesting, informative, and engaging

Made me want to keep turning the page



Credibility of author and/or sources; Content accuracy/thoroughness

1, 2:

The author had no idea what they were talking about, and it clearly showed. It sounded like they were making stuff up or just voicing their opinion on the topic without any evidence.

Outside sources were absent or questionable.

Content was incomplete and/or accuracy was questionable.

3, 4:

There was a lot of the author’s views with some outside sources to backup the information.

There were some inaccurate facts stated.


Content was presented in a reasonable way

Authors credentials and/or sources provide some credibility

6, 7:

Content was presented in a clear and accurate manner

Author’s credentials and/or sources provide reasonable credibility

8, 9:

Content was informative and thorough; well presented

The author has authority over this topic and used credible sources for support


Content was informative and thorough; perfectly presented.

The author has proven authority over this topic and used credible sources for support


Subject/genre appropriateness (sex, violence, and language)


1, 2:

Was not appropriate to the genre it claimed to be

3, 4: 

Borderline for the genre listed

There were definitely times I felt the author/story crossed the line


There were some inappropriate scenes and/language that I wouldn’t have expected

6, 7:

There were some unexpected inappropriate scenes I wasn’t expecting but overall not too shocking

8, 9:

There were little to no surprises based on the genre


If there were any inappropriate scenes, I fully expected them


Level of explicitness



No explicit content


Almost no explicit content


Small amounts but not offensive


Some explicit content but tastefully done


Moderate amount but still tasteful


Moderate amount but is appropriate to the genre


A large amount of explicit content that would only appeal to a very specific audience


A decent amount of explicit content with much of it bordering offensive


A strong amount of explicit and offensive content


There was so much explicit content it took away from the story/content


Overall impression


1, 2:

I felt disappointed and like I wasted my time reading this book (in whole or part)

Wouldn’t even give to my worst enemy to read

3, 4:

I feel indifferent towards this book

I might recommend it to someone


I liked this book but wouldn’t reread it

I would recommend it to a friend

6, 7:

I liked this book and might considered rereading it

I would recommend this book to someone

8, 9:

I thought this book was great (although not perfect) and would definitely reread it

I would definitely recommend this book


I loved this book and can’t stop thinking about it

I would definitely reread this book

I have already recommended this book to everyone I know


Book cover & blurb* / presentation / format

*book cover and blurb will not be applicable if you reviewed a manuscript


1, 2:

Cover isn’t eye-catching at all

Blurb was uninformative and/or didn’t make me want to read the book

Format is inconsistent and/or made reading difficult

3, 4:

Cover is boring

Blurb didn’t peak my interest

Formatting is a little weird or off


Cover is average

Blurb was informative

Weren’t any major formatting flaws that tripped me up while reading

6, 7:

Cover is interesting but could be improved

Blurb was informative

No major formatting flaws

8, 9:

Cover was visually engaging

Blurb was informative and compelling

Few formatting flaws if any


Cover was really unique and engaging

Blurb made me want to start reading immediately

No formatting flaws

Nonfiction Rating Guidelines help readers rate books.

Rating Guidelines

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